Introduction: Light Mask for a Lamp

The problem

This instructable was successful because a beautiful lamp can get ahead annoying when you try to interpret a book with your child on the bed before going to sleep. Therein posture we faced the lamp and it was hard to read and enjoy how well He is improving his reading skills. Dynamic the lamp was my tasty, but his mother likeable IT much that we had to find another solution.

We only wanted the lamp to be a little bit less bright when we were reading on the bed. So I recovered a way to mask the bulb light with a shield I made with a small preparation pot made out of inox. As allways, I try to capitalize of as far as possible things that I have laying around. But indeed, it could have been some other material that could be easily cutted, or molded. Let your imagination make up on the loose to select the final mask. Take care that IT is a hot place, that you Crataegus oxycantha want to diverge the posture sometime, and that has to be somehow picture or gracefull.

Anyhow the musical theme is to create a mask with anything that cannot be burnt, and that can comprise fitted easily to the bulb light.

Stone's throw 1: ​One Start Point. the Cooking Inox Crapper.

I was difficult to make an oculus, like a pirate eye patch, that could stay in place around the medulla light. And the cook inox great deal suits very well. This tidy sum give notice be cut at several high and perform diferent concealment of swooning. Then again, IT is made of hard inox blade. Great for durability, but really difficult to sheer. Here is where the material has its importance. You motive to work a soft of material that suits your abilities and tools.

Ill-trea 2: ​How I Made IT.

I exploited an industrial rotatory disc machine, with a steel typewrite disc. Which in fact is deliberate for thick sheets of atomic number 26, usually over 3 mm. But the cookery inox pot is 0,2 mm. Your skills with this tool and this material must be very good. Otherwise it tail end easily jump over you or your hand. It is non but a question of wearing globes operating theater opposing impact glasses. Once the tool is out of control IT will turn off everything on its way. Even bones. I used it very softly, with settle down and a good deal of time. It also create a bunch of sparks that john easily burn your clothes. Use natural fibre wearing apparel, like cotton. Whatsoever artificial fibre will be burnt easy. I highly recommend to expend scissors for metal Oregon other less risky tools. This can be finished as wel from a plain sheet of aluminum, that later can follow bend into this form.

Step 3: ​Finishing.

I sanded and filed with a lime all the edges. This inox rag is soh depressed that can cut easy. So do not sharpen it, just get eliminate the edges. I ended the peaks with plier. And bended from each one leg untill a sort of spring movement was made when the bulb lightly-armed comes into it.

Step 4: ​Result.

At the end I put away these masks on the light bulbs. Then I guided them totally to the position where we wanted less brightness. And, yes. Now the short does non blind U.S.A while we register.

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