
Everything you need to know about alliance wars in Royal Revolt 2

Royal Revolt 2 alliance wars guide Windows Central Lumia 1520 photo

Purple Defection 2 from Flare Games is ane of the best raiding games on Windows Telephone and Windows 8. Whereas most raiding games feature somewhat coincidental strategic attacks on opponents, Flare's take goes a dissimilar direction. Every raid is full of action, with the thespian directly running through other players' levels and attacking their troops and defenses caput-on. I've been playing it daily for over a year, which speaks to its amazing addictiveness and fun cistron.

Earlier this week we reported that Royal Revolt 2 had been updated to support Brotherhood Wars, an exciting new feature. Alliance Wars have finally gone live, and the Windows Central Alliance is right in the thick of things. Read on to learn how Alliance Wars work and detect out how you tin can join our site'southward official alliance!

Royal Revolt 2 alliance wars guide

Royal Revolt 2 Alliances

Tardily concluding year, Flare added the Brotherhood feature to Royal Revolt 2. Alliances are the game'south version of clans. After building an Brotherhood Belfry, players can create an alliance or join an existing one.

Joining an brotherhood provides several advantages. Yous gain access to alliance chat, the only manner to communicate with other players (besides attacking them). The chat feature has improved over time, and now displays notifications for when brotherhood members log in and out of the game.

Alliance members brand more gold from attacking other players too. Every thespian has a trophy rating that determines his or her leaderboard position. The bays ratings of an alliance'south members are added upwardly to determine the brotherhood's overall trophy rating. The higher the trophy rating, the greater the gold bonus that each member receives when raiding other players.

Royal Revolt 2 alliance wars guide

Of course, an brotherhood's members do have to contribute something other than trophies to the brotherhood. Each member must donate gold every day. That gold helps to level up the alliance, raising the fellow member limit. Donated gilt also helps fund Elite Boosts, temporary attack and defence force boosts that alliance leaders and generals can purchase for the team.

Donation chapters is directly tied to your value as an alliance fellow member, and the more you tin can donate, the more yous help the alliance. Leveling upwards your Brotherhood Belfry increases your donation size. Information technology costs gems to level up the tower, so make sure you relieve whatsoever gems you get towards that purpose. In fact, if yous find yourself donating less than 20K in gilt, it's a smart thought to buy a gem package specifically to level up your tower.

Royal Revolt 2 alliance wars guide

Alliance Wars

The new Brotherhood Wars take identify during seasons that last several days each. Presumably, one time a season ends, there will be a resting flow before the next season starts.

Once you're in an alliance with at least eight members, you can access the State of war interface from your base past borer the "Get to war flavour" at the superlative center of the screen. From there, you can view your alliance's war History (wars won or lost) and Continuing in the current war.

Each alliance is automatically matched up with 5 other alliances during each state of war flavor, and the goal is to come out on top of the other teams. At the end of the war, the tiptop three alliances get exclusive free boosts that make it harder for other players to defeat them. Naturally Windows Key is currently on top, so we're on track to win the coveted Doom Gate boost when the war season ends!

Royal Revolt 2 alliance wars guide

During war season, the six competing alliances accept access to a map made up of 18 hexagons chosen Fiefdoms. Each team starts out with a few Fiefdoms of its own, with the goal of taking Fiefdoms from the others.

Alliance leaders or generals can choose to attack a competing squad's Fiefdom, initiating a state of war with that brotherhood. You can only attack one other alliance at a time, and then choose wisely. Of course, another brotherhood can set on you equally well, giving you double the chances to come up out on top (or lesser) of the war season.

After declaring war on another alliance you lot can select the hex your team is attacking. From there yous'll come across the current contributions from your young man alliance members. At the top of the screen, each side'due south score is measured in skulls.

Royal Revolt 2 alliance wars guide

Hunting for skulls

Hit the Attack button to view the list of enemy alliance members. Each member has a skull rating that represents how many points you can earn by defeating him or her. Yous as well earn gold by attacking rival alliance members, but acquiring skulls is your ultimate goal. However, simply the three highest skull ratings yous earn during the state of war phase actually contribute towards the alliance's score for that war.

And so you'll desire to attack the iii highest rated enemies that y'all can actually beat out, thus earning and contributing the maximum number of skulls. After you've accomplished that, there's no need to go along attacking the enemy alliance during that phase. Only a negligible amount of additional skulls volition be added to your alliance'due south total. Then again, you might desire those few actress skulls if both squad's scores are too close!

An criminal offence isn't the only matter that matters during an alliance war, however. Simply as your team tin can assail enemy players to earn skulls, so tin they attack yous. If somebody is smashing at attacks simply has a weak base of operations layout, they might end upwardly giving a lot of skulls to the rival alliance. The game tracks both claimed (won) and lost skulls, so you'll know who the team's weakest links are.

Royal Revolt 2 alliance wars guide

Winning an brotherhood war provides another bonus as well exclusive Elite Boosts. Information technology too gives your team a tax bonus. All of the Fiefdoms that your alliance conquers will contribute to the tax bonus. That includes not just the most recent state of war, just every war the alliance has always fought! This tax bonus is practical to Gold donations from anybody in the brotherhood. So the more than your alliance participates in wars and wins war phases, the more the squad volition earn towards leveling up and buying boosts in the future.

Non everybody gets to win the war, however. When an brotherhood loses all of its Fiefdoms to enemy teams, that brotherhood drops out of the war. Alliances must besides maintain a minimum histrion count to participate in wars. You need eight players to gain access to wars, only you can keep participating in the current war with as few equally four members.

Royal Revolt 2 alliance wars guide

Join the Windows Central Alliance!

Alliance wars add an exciting new dynamic to Royal Revolt 2, providing new goals and new rewards to agile players. Of class, it helps to be in a strong brotherhood that has a decent chance of winning!

The Windows Cardinal Alliance is ever looking for new players. Nosotros are a loftier ranking alliance though, so our membership requirements are somewhat strict. To get in, you must:

  • Have a bays rating of 2,000 or college
  • Donate 50K aureate or higher (level your alliance tower to increase donation capacity)
  • Be willing to play and participate in alliance wars daily

If you encounter those qualifications, apply to join in the game and leave a comment here to let us know! We also have an alliance thread in our forums.

Royal Defection 2 is one of the best free to play games on mobile Windows platforms. Check out our original review for more details!

  • Download Purple Defection two for Windows Phone (free)
  • Download Imperial Defection 2 for Windows 8 and RT (free)

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