
These are the best games in the Windows 10 Store that aren't Xbox enabled

The Windows Store on Windows 10 is packed with corking games for hardcore gamers and casual gamers alike. Merely for whatever reason it is, a lot of people tend to overlook most games that aren't Xbox enabled.

And then we've decided to put together a listing of our favorite games in the Windows Store that don't have those coveted Xbox achievements.

Do y'all want to see the best with Xbox Achievements? We have that list besides!

Here are some of the all-time Xbox enabled Windows 10 Store games

Radiant Defense

Every bit someone who isn't a fan of tower defense games, Radiant Defense took me by surprise. The premise is simple, and the fine art way is vibrant and beautiful. The game features over 300 waves of enemies over ten different locations.

The game besides features 12 different weapons with 9 of them being upgradable. The game starts off pretty easy then it gets challenging fast. Then, if y'all're a fan of games similar Plants vs. Zombies or Defense Grid this game is a must get. You tin can grab information technology from the Windows Shop for free!

Radiant Defense - Windows Store - Gratuitous

Leo's Fortune

1 mean solar day Leo wakes up to come across that all of his riches have been stolen and sets out on his manner to recover it all. To go his riches back, he must follow a trail of gilt coins through different levels and avert the traps that have been set by the bandits.

Leo plays similar most traditional platformers equally he jumps his mode around the level to avoid obstacles and collect boodle. But what sets Leo's Fortune autonomously is the astounding detail put into every level equally well as the music that complements the world. The merely downside to Leo's Fortune is its price, but if y'all tin can overlook that you're in for a mesmerizing ride.

Leo's Fortune - Windows Shop - $4.99

Fairway Solitaire

Fairway Solitaire has been a hit since it launched back in 2007. The game creates some unique gameplay past combining Solitaire and Mahjong. Information technology's a game that no affair how much I depict the gameplay to yous, you lot will accept to meet the game for yourself to understand why this game can easily become addicting.

As someone who hates card games including poker, there'due south something that'southward strangely engrossing well-nigh the Fairway Solitaire. It's witty, easy to play and contains loads of fun. The game is free-to-play, but you can unlock all the levels for $.99

Fairway Solitaire - Windows Shop - Free-to-play

Telephone call of Duty: Heroes

Remember of Telephone call of Duty: Heroes as Activision's answer to the hit that Clash of Clans has become. The premise is the same here, take control of a small outpost and build it up to become an impenetrable base. Once you've done so, you lot tin so take out bases of nearby enemies all while taking control of classic COD characters.

That being said, the game differs in that information technology uses Killstreaks that you lot've seen in the panel games to spice upward gameplay here. For example, get x kills and it will throw yous in an AC-130 and accept yous raining downward fire from above.

The but downside to this game (especially since it'due south from Activision) is that it's gratis-to-play and features some in-game purchases that go up to $99.99. And so be careful!

Call of Duty: Heroes - Windows Store - Gratis-to-play

Plague Inc.

In Plague Inc., you play as a pathogen that has just infected patient cypher. Your job is to bring the an end to humanity equally we know it. Modify your plague and allow it to mutate and so that it tin become the strongest strand around defying climates and stumping the best scientists around.

One bully feature with Plague Inc. is that this can all be done solo or cooperatively with a friend. The game costs $1.99 and features some in-app purchases. So what are you waiting for? Get take over the world!

Plague Inc. - Windows Store - $ane.99

The Span

The Bridge showtime made it'due south debut back on Xbox Live back in Spring of 2022 and was met with mixed reviews. That existence said if you enjoyed the gameplay of Monument Valley this game volition surely grab your attention. It brings 1000.C. Escher paintings to life merely like Monument Valley but does it in a more dark/grim setting.

The Bridge features 48 puzzles for you to solve in a thought-provoking title that makes you manipulate gravity and explore parallel dimensions. Grab it now in the Windows Store for $6.99.

The Bridge - Windows Store - $6.99


Machinarium is a point-and-click take a chance that's as cute equally it is compelling. Y'all play every bit a small robot who has served his purpose and has been thrown out into the scrap pile. You must collect items and solve puzzles to make your mode back to the city to relieve your girlfriend and take down the people who exiled you.

The game isn't for any noobie puzzle detective equally it gets fairly hard pretty quick. Nonetheless, if you're looking for something that volition have you coming dorsum for more Machinarium will pull you in.

Machinarium - Windows Store - $4.99

Game Dev Tycoon

Ever wonder what it would be similar to create your ain game? Well, Game Dev Tycoon is exactly a game about that. The game is considered as a "business simulation" game and has you lot starting from your garage equally a hobbyist game dev and making your way to the big leagues creating your own game engine.

Simulation fans volition savor this game, every bit information technology probably the truest sim game in the Windows Store at the moment. Some may see the $7.99 price tag equally a let-downwardly but for a simulation game that can span over weeks in real-fourth dimension this is definitely an affordable price. That being said, if yous want to get a taste of the game, there is a free trial bachelor.

Game Dev Tycoon - Windows Store - $7.99

Prime Earth: Defenders

Prime number World: Defenders is what you get when yous mash a tower defense game with a collectible card game. The game follows a grouping of treasure hunters as they make their way through an ancient empire that will do anything to stop them in their tracks. If you're a fan of games that insist on heavy grinding this one is for y'all.

Your cards are where your defenses prevarication. Before a friction match starts choose your towers, spells, and traps from within your deck. Choose them carefully and use them strategically or you adventure being obliterated. Prime World: Defenders is costless-to-play, but yous can make your way through it without purchasing in-game items.

Prime World: Defenders - Windows Shop - Complimentary-to-play

In Closing

This grouping is only a small sample of games that are available on Windows 10 today, but these are the ones that we've come up to love and enjoy. That being said, we're missing some notable games from the list such as Monument Valley and Pako since they haven't been optimized for Windows 10 however. But residue assure, as more games come to the Windows x shop new and old, we'll add the best of the best to this list

The best games for Windows 10 - All our coverage {.cta}

If you concur with the listing above or just desire to tip us on your favorite not-Xbox game for Windows ten let u.s. know in the comments beneath!

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