
Rival Knights Review - An explosive game for Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8

Rival Knights

Rival Knights is a new activeness game from Gameloft for both Windows Telephone 8 and Windows 8. The game puts you in the saddle of a equus caballus, jousting your way through medieval knight afterwards knight.

The fast-paced game has tons of equipment upgrades and horses to purchase with your winnings and the 3D graphics are rather spot on. Game play reminds me a flake of the drag racing games where you tap to shift gears in order to pick up speed. Still with Rival Knights you have the opportunity to knock your opponent on their keister at the end of the race.

The game is available for 512MB devices and is a fantastic way to laissez passer the time.

Kicking butt medieval way

Merely a quick note before nosotros get too far. Rival Knights requires a information connectedness to play. I imagine it helps minimize the storage space the game takes up (110MB) but it would exist nice to an offline gaming mode bachelor.

Rival Knights Tutorial Screens

Once everything loads online, when you first launch Rival Knights, yous volition be taken through a tutorial that covers not but game play but as well helps you set-upwardly your character. Yous will participate in a training joust and begin your journeying to conquer the lands. Once you've made it through the tutorials, when you lot launch Rival Knights you will discover a main bill of fare that has options to view the online leaderboard, access the settings, participate in the weekly player vs. player tournaments and jump into game play.

Rival Knights Main Menus

Rival Knights' settings comprehend sound and music levels, linguistic communication selection, notification settings and access to the player manual. Oh, for those who Facebook you can besides connect to your Facebook account through the settings besides.

Throughout the game, you will find a serial of icons scattered across the height of the screen. From left to right they include:

  • Email: Whatever in game messages such as event status tin be accessed hither.
  • Social Seals: These blueish seals are used as entry fees in the weekly events.
  • Royal Seals: These red seals are used every bit entry fees in the jousts in the game's story line.
  • League Banner: At the tiptop middle of the screen is a colored imprint representing which League you are currently competing in. You start in the League of the Rose and piece of work towards reaching the League of the Dragon.
  • Money Count: Coins are earned during game play and used to purchase new gear or upgrade your current inventory.
  • Gem Count: Gems are besides earned during game play and are used to buy power-ups prior to the kickoff of a joust.

While Social and Purple Seals serve as the price of admission to jousts, they volition automatically replenish over time. If you lot are so inclined, you lot can convert gems into seals or inquire your Facebook friends to loan you a few. If y'all demand a heave in coins, you tin convert gems into coins. Don't have enough gems, in that location are in-app opportunities to purchase gems that in turn can be converted to coins, used to pick upwards some store items and pick up ability-ups before matches.

Quick digression...

There seems to be a growing trend with games to have an in-app price to play the game. We've seen information technology in several of the Disney Windows Phone games and while at first I didn't see this feature every bit much of a carp, it can become annoying. Requiring a token to participate in game play does aid you pace yourself just information technology really sucks if y'all're competing in a all-time-of-three tournament and simply take two tokens. You tend to lose all gaming momentum while waiting the five minutes for a Imperial Seal to replenish.

Now back to the game…

A tale of 2 games

Rival Knights has ii gaming modes. Yous accept the weekly events that pits you confronting other players in a tournament and the principal story line where you battle your way through the five leagues.

The game store is only available in story line play but your gear does carry over into the events mode. The shop has purchase opportunities for helmets, armor, horses, lances and emblems (your imprint crests). If your funding is slim, you tin e'er upgrade your existing gear (and horse) to keep things competitive.

Rival Knights Events

Opponent selection in the events mode is elementary. Just cull an opponent off the player listing and have at it. Opponent selection on the story line way is laid out on a map with your opponents progressively becoming unlocked. Each league has five champions that are a bit tougher to trounce than the lesser knights you face in between the champions. Some jousts are winner take all while some are the best two out of 3 styled matches.

Rival Knights Story Line

Game mechanics are consistent throughout Rival Knights regardless which gaming mode yous choose. Y'all have 3 factors that come into play - defence, speed and power. Defence force is determined past your armor, speed past your horse and power through your lance. At the start of each joust, you tin can use your gems to buy boosts for 1 of these three factors.

Rival Knights

Jousts begin with an Iii, II, I, Get! countdown that appears at the top of the game screen. When you see 'Go" appear yous need to tap the screen to get your equus caballus running. A meter will announced to the side of the screen with an arrow that volition rise upwards the meter. When the pointer reaches the green department, tap the screen. Every bit long as y'all tap in the yellow or green sections of this meter, your horse volition increment in speed, which will translate into more power.

The mechanics reminds me of the drag racing games where you have to tap the screen at the correct time to shift gears.

At some point in your run, the screen will transition to let you to face off against your opponent. The sweet spot for un-horsing your opponent will be highlighted and your job is to position your lance tip in that spot. Just tap and drag on the screen to practise so. The sooner y'all go your lance positioned, the more power is transferred and the meliorate odds you lot'll win.

Rival Knights Store

Upon impact, Rival Knights transitions to a slow motion view with either you or your opponent being knocked off the horse. The animations are rather nice, especially when the lances explodes into tiny toothpicks or when the other Knight hits the railing square after spinning a few times in mid-air.

It sounds easy but remember y'all are traveling xv-20mph on horseback and the game does a really nice job simulating the bounciness of being on a horse. Getting a perfect first (tapping right every bit the 'Go' appears) is as well a tough task. Don't get likewise discouraged if you're too late or likewise soon out the gate. More times than not, you can make upwards for it with a few perfect gear changes.

Win or lose you will walk away from a joust with a piddling extra coin but if you win, the purse is plainly larger. Win a joust and at that place is also extra prizes available such equally complimentary power-ups, a complimentary re-fill on your Purple Seals, new gear becoming available in the store and more than.

Overall Impressions

Rival Knights is one of those games that is visually highly-seasoned, fun to play and has that addictive depict that keeps things from growing stale too rapidly. Game mechanics are elementary enough simply the stride of the game makes their simplicity somewhat challenging.

Rival Knights Windows 8

The need for tokens to participate in game play is quickly getting old. While these tokens (Social and Royal Seals) volition furnish over time, having to wait can kill the gaming experience. I would accept rather seen Rival Knights cost $.99 or even $1.99 and drop the token requirements. It is not a terminal effect but can suck some of the wind out of the game's amusement value at times.

Another nit I take with Rival Knights is the lack of an offline gaming way. While requiring a data connection does reduce the amount of storage space the game occupies, it would exist nice to have a practice match bachelor for the times yous need to conserve data or in an area that has crappy wireless coverage (yes, they however exist).

As far every bit stability is concerned, I did have a few crashes later matches. The crashes seemed to occur more than after longer gaming sessions and while noticeable, I can't say the instability was a deal killer but tin be a bit of a wet towel.

If you adopt gaming on a larger screen, the Windows 8 version plays best on a tablet but information technology doesn't suck wind on a larger desktop or laptop estimator either. The downside to having both a Windows Telephone 8 and Windows eight version of Rivals Knights is that the two versions aren't linked. That is, your game progress on Windows Phone 8 doesn't transpose to the Windows eight version. Which kinda sucks.

Still, overall, Rival Knights is a fantastic Windows Phone game for the times y'all want to boom someone off a equus caballus. It'southward a dandy gaming option for the times you only have a few minutes to impale or are in the mood for a little longer gaming session.

Rival Knights is bachelor for 512MB devices.

  • Rival Knights - Windows Phone viii - Gratis - Store Link
  • Rival Knights - Windows eight - Free - Store Link

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